Sunday, February 21, 2016


Sunday Feb. 21
Actually the first item of business before we even set out to find a place to stay was to book our trip back to Marina Hemingway on a bus. Kathy and I stood in line outside the tourist office to take care of that. We were told the buses were all full so we would have to take a cab back! We had not planned to save some money by riding the bus back but obviously that wasn't going to happen. The gal at the desk arranged a cab for us for Monday and we signed up for a mini tour of the area for the Morning before we caught the cab. We spent the remainder of Sunday wandering around town, shopping at the little outdoor tourist market and going to the outdoor night club. Actually Tom and I went twice. While Kathy and Vic took a nap we enjoyed a cocktail and watched some amazing dancing. The bar/dance hall then closes at 5pm and reopens at 9pm. We went back to the room picked up Kathy and Vic, enjoyed dinner, wandered some more then went back to enjoy more music and dancing at 9:00.  Did we dance?  After a couple of rum and cokes I wanted to get up and try. Toms response to my request, ARE YOU KIDDING! Do you see how good they are?  It was like watching a show you paid for but I figured what the heck, its dark and nobody knows us. I settled for a lot of toe tapping at my table. Lol.
    There were stray dogs everywhere. It was sad as many of them had little puppies and were really skinny. 
This gentlemen is selling sand to those who were making cement

                     I bet you have never seen sticks used as forms to build a house before!

                                               Cute little guy just hangin out

                                    We saw all types of transportation being used in Vinales

             This was a factory in the middle of town making sheets and uniforms for the hospital

                                                    playground equipment from the 50's

                                                       one of the side streets

                                                            More old cars

                                                           Some type of class

  This is where we ate lunch on Sunday, the photo below was our view and below it is the name of the restaurant.

               These are cisterns found on top of the houses to collect water they need in the house

                                                   Selling food from his motor bike

                                               another restaurant in the downtown area

                                                              main street

                                 Play equipment that was really exercise equipment in the park

                                          The main town center. Had art classes etc.

                                 He set up shop on the sidewalk of a side street fixing shoes

                    If you needed something printed out you brought it to him and he did it for you

     A maternity hospital. My understanding is that  you spend your last month there before the baby is born

                                                     Selling hot food on the street

                                                  The main square where the open air bar/dance hall was

                                                        meat store

                                            This gentlemen makes and paints these chairs

                                                  check out the homemade bike

                                                  apartments on the edge of town

                                                   Tourist office, busy spot

Farm workers came back to town in the cattle truck

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