Saturday, February 20, 2016

A visit to the outside market at Jaimanitas

Saturday morning Kathy and I rode our bikes into town to attend the open market. Although the ride into town is a short one it is a bit treacherous. The sidewalks are falling apart in some places forcing you to ride on the street in traffic that is fast and not very relenting to a bike. once we arrive at the market a gentlemen said he would watch our bikes, for a price. We respectfully declined. Another two men who were at a booth selling fruit said they would be happy to keep an eye on the bikes and asked us to take a photo of them. We gladly complied.  Walking through the little market was interesting. I recognized tomatoes, bananas and pineapples. Nothing else looked familiar. I chose not to purchase anything as I was just getting over one illness and did not want to risk another so I wandered. The men selling meat stood in front of the hanging hides. There was no refrigeration of the fresh meat. Orders were taken and the gentleman would trim the fat off on the wooden counter in front of them and put the pieces in a plastic grocery bag. Being someone who looks at her meat through plastic wrap or a glass counter this was not to appetizing. I took a few photos then could see smoke rising from behind the meat shack, and I do mean shack. I followed the smoke to the back and found a large man stirring pieces of fat from the meat in a large kettle of boiling water. I asked him what he was making but of course could not understand what he was saying. Both Kathy and I were careful of our facial expressions not wanting to offend anyone. At times I must admit it was difficult, especially at the meat shack. My only purchase was a couple of pastries from a young lady. They were yummy.
                                               Selling garlic from his bicycle

                                                     Our bike scouts

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