Monday, February 1, 2016

First Days in Marathon a challenge

Sunday January 31, Monday Feb. 1st.

We left the Hurricane Hole anchorage at Key Biscayne Harbor, Miami about 8am.  After traveling down the ICW for about an hour we decided to jump to the outside and anchor at Rodrigues Key with Kathy and Vic.  It was a beautiful day with little wind and wave action.  Our nights anchorage at Rodrigues started out a little lumpy but calmed down overnight. Monday's forecast was to be much of the same so heading to Marathon on the outside should have been enjoyable, deep water and no crab pots.  NOT!!!!  Once out on the ocean the wave and wind action methodically picked up. We had to zigzag to catch the larger waves on the nose and when we missed we rocked like a kid on a rocking horse, except sideways!  Rather than 1-2s. we found ourselves in 3s with an occasional 4 thrown in. Add to that 20 knot winds with an occasional bust of 30 now and then and it was not a pleasant journey.  After about two hours of that we headed for a passible inlet and finished our trip to Marathon on the inside.  The boats were packed in the inside anchorage like sardines in a can.  The majority of them sailboats.  Since our boat does a lot of swinging in the wind we are not fond of tight spaced anchoring. We decided to take our chances on the weather and anchor on the outside of the harbor. It started out pretty choppy out there but wasn't so bad as the night wore on. We enjoyed a beautiful sunset and before dusk were joined by about 5 other boats. Wondering why the inside anchorage was so full?  There were 44 boats on the waiting list for a mooring ball. Boot Key has 275 balls so that gives you an idea of how many boats are here.
                                                   Another photo of downtown Miami

          UGH! One of the skinny passages on the ICW. You just keep your fingers crossed that nobody is coming the other way and it is definitely a no passing zone. It is also very shallow so we were glad to only go through one of these before moving outside.

Our friends and buddy boat Chante Breeze

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