Friday, February 19, 2016

A visit to the international book fair at the Fort

Feb 18-19th
Thursday we spent hanging around the boat and the pool. I spent much of the day sleeping off whatever bug I caught on Wednesday.  
Friday we hired a van and went to the international book fair at the Fortaleza de San Carlos, At one time wealth flowed into old Havana and is was ostentatiously displayed in its churches, elegant mansions, princely  palaces and the incredible fortresses that were built to protect the Spanish gold fleets. There were two forts in Havana. Castillo de la Real Fuerza built in 1558 and this one, Fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabana built in 1764 at a cost of 14 million dollars and the distinction of being the largest fort in the Americas. 
The international book fair is a week long event that brings in quite the crowd.  Each of the small cement rooms that were once used as barracks or jail cells was filled with an array of books, stickers, posters, art, and more. Each row of the small poorly lit rooms represented a different age group, country and or topic. I felt as if I were revisiting a scholastic book fair of enormous size. Being drawn to the children's row, I meandered in and out of the rooms. I was perplexed by the display of children's books, stickers, pencils, book marks etc. that you would see in the states.  Dora, Little mermaid, Frozen, even Star Wars, they were all there, just in Spanish.  There was also many posters and books that taught the English alphabet, numbers and even common words.  It was obvious there is an element working on teaching the children English.   After visiting several rooms filled with the same American titles I hunted for someone who spoke a little English. I had to find out how these titles were being offered when an embargo between our countries existed.  Finally successful in my quest I asked how this could be.  The security officer smiled. The Spanish version of the books are sent to Peru then shipped to Cuba. Where there is a will, there is a way! Each section of the forts little rooms was divided by country as well as age. There were books from all countries but none in English. Many were historical or political in nature. The fort was filled with people perusing the book rooms as well as the artist areas. We purchased a few gifts and I bought Spanish to English books for the grandkids. A fun and very interesting day. how fortunate for us that it took place while we were here.  
                          This photo and the next two are views of Habana from the wall of the fort


                              This is the author who we met at the yacht club. He used to run and participate in the once famous marlin fishing contests that were held in Cuba. When the United States broke off relations he became angry enough that he moved to Cuba. He gave us a signed copy of his book.

                                                              A food booth at the fort

                      The children could race these battery operated cars. Probably from the states

                                                The elaborate entry way as you walked over the mote.
notice the banners?

                                                                      Dora in Cuba!!

                                       Food area located where the mote used to be

The local kids loved to have their pictures taken by us. They would even ask. 

                                                local art and wares of different kinds was also sold

                                  Cuba has some amazing artists. We have enjoyed their art on the streets, in little
                                  galleries and at the Fort

                        This is a photo of the entry to the port. Pleasure boats are not allowed into the port
                         unless an emergency prevents them from entering the marina.  A cruise ship from
                       Europe comes about once a week.

                                                       Vic and Jerome resting on the wall

                                    A few more locals requesting that we take their photo.
                                  This is a photo of the smaller Fort Castillo de la Real Fuerza

                                                    At the authors presentation
                                                  Mr. Carpenter the author

This guy is breaking up blocks of ice on the concrete to keep the drinks cold

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