Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Superbowl Sunday Fun but COLD!

Tues. Feb. 9th
We love being anchored in Sisters Creek. The winds have been howling at 20-30 mph for several days. There are white caps in the anchorage and the boats on the mooring balls are swaying back and forth but in Sisters Creek we are still. We can hear the wind but because it is so protected it is pretty calm here.  Good for relaxed sleeping. It is also fun to watch all the kayak's paddle up and down the creek. A gentlemen takes a group everyday on an echo tour. In fact he stopped in our way to talk about the mangroves the day we were anchoring putting a stop to our efforts until the group moved on.
 The marina set up a movie screen in the rec hall for the game. With the temperature being in the 50's and windy the ride into the marina was pretty wet and lumpy. I was bundled up in a shirt, sweatshirt and coat!  It was a nice evening with lots of food, compliments of all the boaters, and friendly conversation. The days that it is cloudy, windy and cool, which are most of them,  we work on the boat. Monday was a really nice day, 70 degrees, sun shine and calm. Our inverter stopped working so we had Sandy, a resident electrician come out to check things out. After two hours of checking everything they finally figured out the reason. Tom had left the electric lines hooked up to the outside outlet. They were leaning on the railing which made them hot and kept the inverter from kicking on.  I was thrilled that it was not the inverter! Once Sandy was done we took a break and took Peanut to the beach. It was a pretty busy place. I'm sure all those visitors who are spending their weeks vacation here were thrilled to finally see some sunshine and warmth. It didn't last long though. Today is overcast with 25 mph winds and a cool 55. This has been an interesting winter trip. It has been one thing after another that needed attending to.  Frustrating but I guess at least it is keeping our brains working!.  The weather has not been pleasant. We have been told by a Floridian it is the coldest winter in five years. Still have not hit more than one day of 80 degrees. and we have seen very little sunshine.  I know, its warmer than Indiana so don't complain. Yesterday I started a conversation with a gentlemen that was fishing off his kayak beside our boat. As it turned out he lives on Kentucky Lake and is a river pilot on a tow. He knows our good friend Tommy Williams. Small world!! Tomorrow we are going to make a run for Key West.

                                Wet ride into the marina through the mooring field. A little rough in the field

                                                                   Superbowl party
                                       Peanut patiently waiting for Tom to return in the dinghy

                                                Sunset over the mangroves

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