Thursday, March 12, 2015

We caught a shark! Now what????

March 12th
Once we left the Land and Sea Park area we started fishing again.  If caught fishing or taking any souvenirs from any of the Cays included in the park it is a $500.00 fine and boat confiscation dependent on what you poached.  Our first night at anchor Tom put out two lines. Our bait? The frozen shrimp I had in the freezer to be used for dinner one night. Fortunately we didn't use up all the shrimp before catching a grey snapper and a yellow tail, enjoying them both on the grill. If shrimp brought in two nice size fish just think what using fish parts as bait would do. It would also save the shrimp for dinner. Day two and we now have fish parts on the hooks.  We had no action until late.  Flashlight in hand we went to check the line. The poll was nearly bent in half and was giving Tom quite the challenge. Finally the flashlight focused on what was on the hook.  A four foot shark!! It was a nurse shark so I felt a bit guilty hooking him. With a flick of his knife, the line was cut and the shark gone.  Nearly an hour went by and the reel on the other side of the boat went crazy. Again we were out there, Tom cranking the reel, me with net and flashlight. As Tom struggled to bring the fish to the boat my flashlight caught site of the fish. A shark, bigger than the last one.  Before Tom could cut the line the pole snapped and the shark was gone, dragging the top half of our pole with him. We now own one less salmon pole. Not wanting to loose another pole that was the last of our fishing adventures at the Big Majors anchorage.
On a small beach to the North of pig beach was an area that had been set up and decorated by items given by visiting boaters through the years.  It hailed a very appropriate name, Pirates Beach. There were several home made picnic tables, a wooden bar, decorations hanging, lawn chairs left for people to use, a fire pit and more. Each afternoon boaters gathered to meet and greet, sometimes with just a cooler and sometimes as a pitch in to celebrate a birthday, anniversary etc.  A fun place for both boaters and their four legged friends.
The sunsets from Pirates Beach were spectacular!

Pirates Beach at Big Majors Cay

We were very impressed with how neat and clean everyone kept the area of Pirates Beach. There were even two beach towels left just in case you needed one. Just wash and return.

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