Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Getting to know Stocking Island

March 25
We quickly learned that although peaceful, Monument beach anchorage was quite the distance from everything. Chat and Chill, Sand Dollar, Georgetown etc.  Add brisk winds and the dink rides were bumpy and wet. The six of us spent our first three days hiking, hunting sand dollars at sand dollar beach, where else right, and chillin at the beach outside Chat and Chill. We played chicken foot and diamonds and marbles at Volleyball beach and visited the shops and straw market in Georgetown. Both Charm and Sun Storm began their trek back North on Tuesday, the 24th, Tom and I decided to move closer to all the activities by anchoring at the beach in front of Chat and Chill. Unfortunately engine trouble prevented that from happening. Tom had changed the filter on the port engine the day before and when it wouldn’t start he realized that air had gotten in the system. We had an air lock. He did what he knew to bleed the lines but it didn’t work. A fellow boater, Tom from Andonte, came over but still no luck. He gave Tom the name of a boater who is was knowledgeable and willing to help others as another option. We tried to reach him via radio but had no luck. That evening we met a couple from Canada during a Texas Hold um game. Don offered to come over to help the next morning. He showed Tom where all the fittings were and how to bleed them.  Soon we had two engines running, what sweet noise that was, and were moving to volleyball beach. We found a spot at the edge of the activity area that was so close I could probably swim to the beach if I wanted to. We were excited.

                                          Hammocks on the beach near Chat and Chill
                               There is a conch shack on the beach and this is his garbage pile of conchs
                                                             Inside Chat and Chill

kids playing on the challenge activities
A view of the monument and anchorage below, where we started out

We hiked to the top of the hill to see the monument. This is the ocean side view

Another ocean side view

We hiked down the other side of the hill to the ocean side beach

Someone built this wall of rocks along side one of the paths on top of the hill.

Tom and Jim enjoying the view from the top of the mountain

The view of the harbor from the top of monument hill

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