Friday, March 13, 2015

Night Sky or Panetarium? A visual wonder

March 13th
The night sky was clear and dark.  I lay on the bow looking up at my own personal planetarium. No matter where I moved the circle of stars seemed to surround Laughter and only Laughter. It was breathtaking. Looking at the patterns, variations in brightness and size made me wish I had taken an interest in the unit on stars and planets in school. But no matter, the names were not as important as the realization that when you stop to admire the beauty of the night sky a calmness surrounds you, providing an opportunity to commune with the Universe. I tried to capture the beauty of the sky but did it no justice so I deleted the photos and etched a photo to memory to pull up whenever I need a sense of calm.
There were about 75 boats in the anchorage. As I looked out over the anchorage from the Starboard doorway I found that the various heights of the anchor lights formed the backbone of  what looked like the  Lochness Monster. Each night I smiled as I looked at this formation because it  reminded  me of visiting Scotland with my Aunt Florie and Uncle Archie the summer of "73" to see where the Lochness monster lived.
Going to shore at Staniel Cay required a long dink ride around a point and across an open area of water. The water was rough the first two days of our visit and so was the ride to shore. We had two choices. Wear a bathing suit and carry dry clothes or put on a rain suit. Tom chose the bathing suit, I the rain coat. There were three grocery stores on the Cay. The pink grocery, the blue grocery and the Isle grocery. The Pink grocery was a very small building, the Blue a little larger and the Isle about the size of a 7-11.  They were interesting to visit. I don't think I took a photo of the Isle store.

The first two photos are of the Blue Store. We are with friends Kathy, Jim and Don. Cindy is taking the photo

The Pink grocery store

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