Sunday, June 9, 2019

Murphys month continued; Going nowhere fast or slow!

May 30th-June 9th

I had kept my frustrations in check between the 17 and 25th  of May because the extreme high water levels on the great lakes and canal systems resulted in a delay in the opening of the canal system. But now its open and we aren't very close to being ready. A few of the jobs that we were going to have the marina complete we took on ourselves to save time but I was still nervous. it was going to be a lot of rushing around to get things done to make our start date of June 4th.

The splash in goes well, Tom and the mechanic get on board. They check the bilge and its dry, that's a good thing! Tom is told to start the engines to move Laughter to a slip. I close my eyes and listen. That sweet sound of a diesel engine starting is heard, I start to smile, but its premature. The starboard engine doesn't start. The marina mechanic gets down in the engine room, to check things out but encounters an electrical wire problem that results in a smoke filled boat. Now we have an electrical issue, and an engine that won't turn over. We are told not to sleep on the boat until electrical fixed.  Boy am I glad I am leaving for the weekend.

When I return from Brownsburg on Monday Tom updates me. Electrical fixed but engine still won't turn over.  Need a new injection pump and water pump. To help speed up repairs Tom removed the water pump for the mechanic who shows us that the pump Tom took out is for a 4 cylinder engine and we have a six! Are we having fun yet!

He Orders the right pump and Tom calls a friend to help us with the injection pump situation because the marina mechanic doesn't work on those. On Wednesday we are asked to move our RV to the place down the road where we had made arrangements to leave it. The space is needed for another RV coming in for Loopers weekend, boaters doing the Great Loop,  and boater appreciation pig roast being held here. We had not planned to be here for the event but things change and I was actually looking forward to meeting some boaters and participating in the activities. Maybe it would lift my spirits.

The marina is hopping, boats coming in, the locals on the hard all want their boats in for the weekend event which makes getting help for our boat even more difficult. Then something wonderful happens! Tom gets a call from Pete Hanson Friday morning. We buddy boated with Pete and Jan on our very first adventure from Chicago to the Tennessee River in July of 2007. They had retired, sold everything and were heading South on their boat. We learned so much from Pete  and became good friends with them.  They were traveling in their camper saw the Albany sign on the highway and called to see if we were here.  Pete knows how to do so much and said he would be glad to give Tom a hand. We had a great time visiting on Friday evening. Reminiscing about that river trip of 2007 and getting caught up in general.  Pete spent the entire morning Saturday putting in the new water pump and all the new clamps and hoses it required. He also put in a new lifter pump and changed the impeller that Tom couldn't get to. He is a sweetheart and a life savor! Jan and I visited in the shade solving the problems of the world. The mechanic sent to replace the injection pump also came. He hooked it up and we crossed our fingers. The engine would start but not for more than a few minutes before shutting down. Apparently not enough new grommets were sent so he used one off the old pump and it was leaking air. He would be back on Tuesday with new ones.  Saturday evening we relaxed by the bonfire. Sunday morning we went to breakfast and thanked them both for coming and for helping us out. Pete said it was a good reminder for him of why he sold his big boat. He was tired of working on it more than enjoying it. They took off after breakfast on Sunday and Tom worked a little longer in the engine room while I served as his gopher. We cleaned up and for a few hours forgot our struggles and listened to music and ate like pigs at the pig roast.


                                                       Good friends Pete and Jan

                                                Bonfires on Friday and Saturday night

                                           Saturday night Movie, Captain Ron, beside the office                                      

                                                 Blessing of the fleet on Saturday morning

                                                                Blessing our boat


  Shady Harbor has a very nice restaurant on premises. The chef was in charge of the pig roasting.

                     35 boats of all types and sizes most of which were doing the great loop attended the festivities for Looper weekend and boater appreciation pig roast. It was a first for us as we have never really been on the same season schedule as Loopers until now.  It was great fun meeting so many boaters and sharing stories.

                   Our friends Lou and Ann whom we met last fall in Deltaville and were so excited to find out they also wintered their boat here. It was great to have company most of the month of May as they arrived a week after we did. They are going to Henderson Bay for the summer. Love hearing their stories as they sailed around the world and are now power boaters at ages 85 and 83!
                 Lots of good food! Also had an hour session, ladies only which was fun with some
             interesting questions and ideas.
Looper ladies, 

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