The plan was to get up early, leave Rome and spend a full day at Sylvan Beach, which is on the shores of Oneida Lake. I was looking forward to a walk on the beach and some shopping. A weather check quickly changed those plans. A heavy rain storm was coming in on Thursday and the winds would switch around to the West. If we didn't get across the lake today we could be stuck on this side until Monday or Tuesday. We still got up early but headed the 27 miles across Oneida Lake to Brewerton instead. Mild South winds and sunshine were our backdrop for the ride across the lake and it was a smooth beautiful ride. Apparently the 10 other Loopers that we saw tied to the wall at Sylvan Beach also saw the weather report because before long we had a parade of boats that crossed. Three of us tied up to the public free dock in Brewerton the others passed us by for local marinas. The rain on Thursday was brutal. It rained hard but by late afternoon the sun was back out and so were the fisherman on the dock. It seems they are catching crappie and bass during the day and after dark they fish with head lamps for walleye. Its pretty cool, shining the headlamp in the water makes the walleyes eyes glow. You drop know your bait and hope they take it. The walleye hide under the docks and travel back and forth along the walls. Some nights there would be 7-10 guys out here. How many did we catch you ask? Not a one! A little disappointing to say the least.
We have enjoyed docktails with our fellow boaters, walked to the neighboring marinas, stopped in a couple of restaurants, given a tour of our boat to three 9 year old boys who asked if we lived in it, and visited with many of the locals who came to dock and dine up at the restaurant. We have really enjoyed our stay and are happy we didn't go to a marina. We would have missed a lot if we did. We stayed longer than planned because the Oswego Canal in front of us and the Erie back behind us closed due to high water from the rains. Apparently they had nearly four inches of rain in 2 hours North of us causing flash flooding. In fact one of the little towns was almost completely flooded. So we wait, again.
Loopers along the wall at Sylvan beach
A restaurant and amusement park can be seen as we passed Sylvan
Oneida Lake
Tom and peanut trying their hand at fishing
Our boat tied to the free dock. Photo taken from the bridge
A view of the lake behind us from the boat
Todays path across the lake
Our spot on the dock
Fort Brewerton museum housing the artifacts from the fort which is gone
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