Monday, August 13, 2018

Sometimes the second time around isnt as much fun

Aug. 13, 2018

We left Baltimore on Monday morning. During our previous trip on the Bay we stopped at the free dock in Betterton.  We had an amazing experience with a bus load of Amish families that came to enjoy the adjoining beach.  A group of the boys walked down to the dock and we invited them to see the boat. They were so polite and thankful. I explained the electronics and talked about the weather.  We watched the children from babies to teens swim in their cloths, laugh and enjoy the water and each other.  We were amazed when the elders called them to eat. Not one child cried, whined or through a tantrum about leaving the water. The older girls helped the younger and up to the picnic tables they went on the first parental request! We were in awe! Not what we usually see with parents and kids.
While on their break I approached an elder and asked if we could bring our kayaks and paddle board over to the beach for the young people to play on. His answer was, sure as long as I can play on them as well.  As the young people finished eating they began to gather along the beach but did not go in until they were all there and were given the go ahead by elder.  By the end of the day my cheeks hurt from smiling. Their laughter filled the air as they tried to use the paddleboard and the support they provided each was heart warming. Never a its my turn, your taking to long, etc. just young people having fun.  At one point a mom climbed into one of the kayaks paddled out away from everyone and just floated alone. No one yelled mom, no one bothered her and when she returned she smiled and said I enjoyed that alone time. Something that is rare for any mom. The announcement was made that it was time to go. Again everyone left the water without a word.  Groups of children shyly came over to us, said thank you and ran to the bus.  The elder approached and told us that they come once a year. He said we had provided a wonderful experience that these children will never forget and thanked us for our kindness. An experience we have never forgotten.

Tom wanted to return to the free dock, sit on the beach he loved, enjoy the view and reminisce. Unfortunately the second time around was not as positive. As we approached the free dock there was a sign that read no docking, a one hundred dollar fine for violators! ouch! This was extremely disappointing as the weather called for a storm to come through in the late afternoon.  We anchored and when we were sure we were set, dinked to the beach. it wasn't long before the storm started rolling in so it was back to the boat to batten down the hatches, so to speak. The storm did blow through with high winds that howled past, waves that bounced us up and down like a ball and my much hated element, lightning! The winds settled down but the waves remained choppy making for a not so calm overnight stay.

                                                               Here comes the storm

                                               Rock and Roll with one other in the anchorage

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