Thursday, November 1, 2012

Two weeks of misery on the hard

Nov1-15, 2012

Laughter was lifted, power washed and ready for painting.  We lived on her during this work period but I can't say it was comfortable.  It rained many of the days and the nights were pretty cool, actually downright cold!  A friend of ours, Coach Cook, came down to help - thank goodness!   I scrubbed barnacles off the swim platform supports and shafts, cleaned and polished the railing, and trim while Tom and Coach painted the bottom. I was also the go fer, Go fer this and go fer that, picking up the items needed to continue the painting.  As Admiral I was in charge of quality control. This basically meant I pointed out all the spots missed by the guys. A task I took charge of with tact to prevent frustration on their part. 
Climbing up a ladder onto the swim platform then up the aft ladder into the boat was not a problem for us but after our first attempt at carrying Peanut up and almost dropping her an alternative means of getting her on and off the boat had to be developed.  We had rigged a line on the side of the boat to raise and lower items to and from the boat so why not Peanut?  Her life jacket had a handle so we tied the line to the handle and raised and lowered her over the side. She is such a good dog she didn't fight us in fact she would stand still once she reached the ground to be unhooked and return to that spot to get hooked up when she wanted back on the boat. She is one amazing dog.
Rather than "watch the paint dry" we used this time to visit Wrightsville beach and Wilmington, both really nice areas.  On the 15th we headed home for the Thanksgiving.

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