Monday, April 15, 2013

Fun Times in Marathon

Always someplace to go or something to do. Where did the time go? An interesting bar we heard about on a nearby Key, the ceiling and walls covered in bills. A seafood festival at the neighboring park. A local play starring kids who live on a neighboring boat in the mooring field. Saturday night entertainment by the Blues Brothers impersonators. These are just a few more activities that made our stay in Marathon interesting and fun.  I never got one book read as we really didn't sit still long enough but we did sit still long enough to enjoy some beautiful sunsets!

The bar with the bills
                                                  Sunset from our boat in the mooring field

                                                   Saturday evening musical entertainment

                                               The dingy dock on a typical afternoon
                                              Marathon Sea Food Festival
                                          St Patricks Day celebration at local watering hole
A home made Viking boat in the mooring field
                                                  Walking the 7 mile bridge in Marathon

                                         Meeting the Blues Brothers - They were really good
                                                 Sunset taken from the balcony of Burdines


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