Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hampstead to Georgia without me

From Hampstead To Savannah Georgia

Dec. 1-10th, 2012

Tom returned to the boat December first with a friend of his.  They completed a few more jobs before Laughter was put back in the water on the 3rd.  They continued the trek South to Savannah Georgia. The Savannah waterfront has shops, restaurant's, and bars as well as a great arts and crafts fair on the weekends.    I flew into Wilmington picked up our car and drove to Savannah. We enjoyed walking along the waterfront and prepared to leave the next morning. We left Savannah on the 11th anchoring in Sapallo Sound for the night.
                                                      Hyatt marina in Savannah
                                                           The boardwalk in front of the Hyatt